Universal Bringing Back Woody Woodpecker

Published on by SamuelConnor

Now I am all for old classics getting a revamp as long as they are done well, examples of these revamps that are done well can be listed on the back of a stamp. Which is why I am not busting at the seams to get a glimpse of the new woody Woodpecker movie that is currently being written.


That and the fact that he is bloody annoying, if he annoyed me when I was a kid he is going to annoy me even more now I am an adult. He is going to be all over my TV screen advertising the movie and all the current generation of kids are going to be copying his annoying laugh. It will be the Budweiser Wassuuup all over again (Yeah I bet you forgot about that didn't you?)


Maybe there was a reason he never made it big like Mickey Mouse and Kermit the Frog and Homer Simpson because those kids that grew up with him look back on that cartoon and see how hyperactive he was and think "how the heck did I manage to watch this without getting a migraine?" God help this generation of parents, we can only hope this will not be in 3D.


For full details of the story head on over to The Hollywood Reporter link 




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