Bill Murray Against 'Ghostbusters 3'

Published on by SamuelConnor

The guys over at the National Enquirer report that Bill Murray was sent a copy of the script by original Co-stars Harold Ramis and Dan Ackroyd.

And in true Bill Murray style he allegedly shredded the script re-packaged it and sent it back with a note reading "No-one wants to pay money to see fat, old men chasing ghosts."

Sadly this is not true I would pay good money to see the gang back together and so would a lot of people. But with Murray not on board it looks like this dream project will never happen.

Sigourney Weaver also admits that she would join the cast, but only if Murray reprises his role as Professor Venkman.

Ackroyd says the film will happen with or without Murrays involvement but I can't help but think Murray's name will be the make or break of this third installment.

Read the original report link


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